History of the Hash House Harriers

The Hash House Harriers (HHH or H3) is a social running group that was founded in 1938 by a group of British expatriates in Malaysia. The group was named after the Selangor Club Chambers, which was also known as the "Hash House" because of the cheap, mediocre food served there.
The founders of the HHH were A. S. Gispert, Eric Galvin, and John Woodrow. They formed the group as a way to stay in shape and socialize while they were working in Malaysia. The HHH quickly gained popularity and spread to other countries, with chapters forming in cities around the world.
The HHH follows a set of traditions and practices that have remained largely unchanged since the group's inception. Members of the HHH participate in a "hash run" once a week, in which they follow a trail that has been laid out by the "hare" (the person who sets the trail). The trail is marked with chalk or flour, and the runners, or "hounds," follow the trail, trying to catch the hare. Along the way, the hounds might encounter "checks," which are marked with a circle, indicating that the hounds should stop and search for the next marker.
After the run, members gather for a social event called the "circle," which includes a variety of rituals, such as naming ceremonies for new members and drinking songs.
The HHH has a reputation for being a social and non-competitive group, with a focus on having fun and building camaraderie. Today, there are thousands of HHH chapters all over the world, and the group has a strong online presence, with many chapters maintaining their own websites and social media accounts.
The Hash House Harriers (also known as "Hashing") is a global organization of social running clubs. Members of the club participate in regular runs, which usually involve running a predetermined route through the countryside or city, following a trail of flour or other markings. The runs are usually followed by a social gathering, where members socialize and drink beer. The organization is known for its irreverent sense of humor, and members often refer to themselves as "drinkers with a running problem." Hashing is typically open to anyone who is interested in participating, and it is often described as a mix of athleticism and socializing.