Christmas Full Moon Party Hash

the 3 stooges Knockout, Penny lame & aunities bitch once again set a great trail with 9 checks and false trails this is what hashing is all about, they even found a bar on the trail called "The full moon bar"
Le pub almost delayed the start with a buy 2 get 1 free offer, so refreshments were more than enjoyed before the hash.
55 attended the event, our 2nd best turn out! lets see for our 3rd Anniversary in August!
As per usual people left it to the last minute to register, hares can't read minds folks!
As per usual Moonies and visitors made the numbers, maybe the local hashers were saving themselves for their little 500th stroll today in the midday sun!
please don't register if your not going to turn up!
great to see so many people dress in red and use the Christmas theme to full effect, some even wore costumes made by cute comer, her skills are endless!
I recall we must of had about 6 or 8 hash virgins from all walks of life joining us, now their lives are ruined, Our New Monday Social Society drinking we have recruited 2 New moonies already!
returned Sodomy was 1st to the beer truck looking for soft drinks! penny lame and aunties bitch had poured gallons of cold beer ready for the pack, and sure enough runners and walkers soon appeared, few photo shoots then off they went into the dark,
quick dash back to do the circle, cute comer, max factor and penny lame hastily pour gallons more beer for the thirsty Moonies, note it was quick social drinking and circle, but they managed to drink 7 cases of beer!
8 pm was the time on everyone's mind --- food time, le pub had a great set menu for us about 36 people enjoyed the quick service, for the people who left early, you missed out as we bankrupted the moonies bank again, as 4 towers of beers appeared to be shared, which was much appreciated! 100 baht for water, beer stop, social beers, 250 baht for a 4 course set menu and plenty of beer! other hashes take note, end of the day its the hashers money so why not spent it!
with bellies full of food and beer, the band started with some great music followed by bad dancing!
not to sure but I think we partied on till after 11pm,
not bad since the hares had been out since 9am!
Thx to everyone again, great night,
check our Full moon website lots of great events coming up in 2025
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