Hua Hin Full Moon Hash #9
Is This Thailand?
Question is the moonies are getting smarter, ( only slightly) they think they know the way and can work out a trail! But our intrepid hares max factor and penny pincher had other ideas about this.
A New restaurant was found with parking, but everyone seemed to drive to the run site, so there was slight confusion about whether we parked parallel or vertically or horizontally!

Confusion even before we begin. Knockout Neptune was injured and had been shot in the knee by a Japanese sniper on the 500th Run. 5 days of Haring and walking was too much for a young man as himself.
Returners included african queen, an easy flat run for her after her double figured mountain marathons, so a fine pack of front runners with easy off, bite mark and flying frog surely be home first.
A few visitors who had heard rumours of this hash, god help them. Talk in the circle about a Burmese village, death railway and ghosts what had the hares done today!

Misdirections given out by penny pincher, look for paper and chalk, not so easy in the dark.
Torches in hand and off they set straight into a check, quick loop and left then another False trail, zig zagging towards hill lek fai, past the school and into the unknown, past a sweet smelling horse stable and down an uneven side ally, but the question was were would the beer stop be, where is the nearest 7/11?
For the moonies with night vision they might have noticed that the writing on the houses was not in Thai but in Burmese! Eyes peeked out of the darkness wondering what was happening, who are these crazy people, leave us alone!
Bite mark got more than he bargained for, seeing a woman just in a towel, don't know who was shocked the most!
Still no beer stop nearly 4 km completed, 40 minutes later they arrive at Hua Hin Train station and turn left, and left and see penny lame and penny pincher the beer stop was outside the Thai supermarket. A welcome break for the runners who were dazed and confused, like virgins on a first date!
Bite marks eager eyes spotted tinks walking along the main road, so shot off to correct his off trail antics, tinks second guessing that the beer stop must be at the next 7/11, wrong again. But tinks thought bite mark was a railway worker in day glow uniform, more confusion on the hash.

Hugs was close behind, a fitter faster moonie, happy to have no hills today, pining for cute comer to return home. The walkers quickly followed beer consumed and onto the last leg of the journey.
Spook had short cutted home and missed the beer stop, cold beers and snacks awaited the moonies return,
A thumbs up for the hares another job well done, charges from the circle included bite mark for been incorrectly dressed, ding a ling for not knowing how to silence his messages and
Penny pincher for her nearly funny joke, sure she is in training to be a GM!!
Penny lame announced a guest appearance on Saturdays Hua Hin Hash as the hare KN was still injured and the next Full Moon would be next to a buffalo farm in Hua Hin!!
Work that out!
So 20 plus moonies sat down for a few drinks or more and dinner, but he menu’s were in Thai so the Girls quickly translated for the visitors, as in true Thai style thinking ordering 2 or more of the same dish would speed things up, but they prepared each dish individually,
Food came out like a tango quick ,quick ,slow, African queen ordering first got served last!
Service hit and miss but the food enjoyed, with banter and chat continuing late into the evening.
With the full moon above us, lashings of beer later, some departed later than others.

On on to Full Moon run #10