Hua Hin Full Moon Hash #11
Hua Hin Full Moon Hash #11
Thursday 4th May
Hares penny Lame & Penny Pincher.
Soi 70 Hill Lek Fai
Moonies attended 19

The Curse of the Chinese Graveyard!
The trail was set in the blistering morning sun by Penny Lame & Penny Pincher, with the usual markings paper in poles and chalk marks on walls or on the Floor, The usual yellow round FT and check marks along the way! But a comment by Penny Pincher in the morning should have been a warning” Not lucky to go through a graveyard!” but the trail had been walked the previous week and the distance set.
The day was unusually hot and the clouds stayed back behind the hills only luck we would have today! & 19 moonies attended the Full Moon.
First to arrive was our Hash cash Au Natural, (thanks for standing in) We had our water on ice and torches, chalk all ready to go but 6pm and PP mentioned “where was everybody!”
The moonies slowly assembled with returners Cathusulum, Rubber Duck & Ring welcomed back, and a New Moonies Virgin Airbus Faggot.
Water and chalk in hand the pack were sent right along a side road, PP walked behind to take pictures as this was the first False Trail and the only thing the moonies got right!
But disaster at the start as the pack u turned and turned Left, Penny Lame quickly shouted On on to send the pack in the right direction towards the Graveyard.
But like the Titanic disaster soon struck, arrows had been drawn on the floor pointing across the graveyard and paper placed along the grass with stones holding it in place an easy 100m across to the next soi. But for some eerie reason, maybe the spirit of hashers passed the moonies became blind and headed towards hill lek fai and in all directions.
With the pack having to avoid packs of werewolves howling at the full moon, they came to the main road soi 70, large arrows had been placed pointing across the road with more arrows than an Indian raiding party pointing up the road to the 3rd turning, paper on posts who could miss all these marking even Mr Magoo would find his way!
But with the moon shining in their eyes and thoughts of a beer stop the runners headed straight up the opposite road, wondering why there is no paper or chalk, “Normally this means go back and find the paper!” but with the curse hanging over them they continued forward, some wandered aimlessly eventually heading back home,
PL & PP were waiting at the beer stop, 30 minutes” we should see them soon” but then the Bat phone rang, “Tinks had found a check but was unsure, he sounded close he was actually 50 m from the beer stop” FRB soon joined him and were sent in the correct direction, but then the curse struck again nobody came round the corner, Pl went to look and found Hugs wandering aimlessly and was sent to the Beer stop then 5 minutes later, Au Natural, Cute Comer and African Queen showed up after making their own trail up and second guessing the run.
50 minutes in and still no one else at the beer stop time to do some international Rescue,
A quick pack up and we headed back along the trail in reverse but no sign of life, just wolfs howling in the distance, A strange power at work had the moonies been abducted by aliens, had the bright orange shirts been cursed.
Back at base a group of confused moonies stood around waiting for their beer, complaining of no paper! Could Not find chalk! Why suddenly had everything become blind!
Ding a ling and rambling rose had become more invisible and headed home!
Nearly 8 pm and still a few Moonies out in the Moonlight, some had headed as far as the Elephant camp!
Hugs was the back marker following garmin and not google maps made an excellent 7.9km trail on his own! Refusing a lift back from International Rescue,
By this time the Restaurant was panicking, some had pre ordered food and it was ready!
Moonies soon were soothed by a cold beer and a down down at the table, and down down beer shared out, with talk about trail setting and apparitions on the trail, PP told her Hash jokes and everyone enjoyed their late supper.
So was it The graveyard cure or some other Conspiracy theory? Was Hua Hin actually flat with no compass points? Any way a Hash is a Hash it would be boring if everything went to plan!!
On On