Hua Hin Full Moon Anniversary Run
Hua Hin Full Moon Anniversary Run & 1st 7/11 Run
11th July Changsawang Restaurant soi 67
Knockout Neptune & Penny Lame & Aunties Bitch

A lot of drinking practice and trail walking was done before this special event, 1 run is hard enough but doing an Anniversary run on the beach and the 1st Thai 7/11 run plus Penny lame Birthday run was a feat unknown before, add beer to any hash and disaster strikes.
A big shout out To our overseas visitors Meatloaf and CIA from Australia, Psycho Strangler, Psycho Nemo and family for coming all the way from Nong plok, we will see you soon. A great New Hash if you get the chance you should visit them. (maybe an outstation next year) And Tanya is a first time Hasher well done and No name Daniel. Also Ae’s bar and Restaurant (soi 80) for doing our beer stop Thank You all.

28 brave moonies completed this challenge.
As usual we tried to break even, but mostly we like losing money in the name of Enjoyment,
500 baht got you your run, water and 1 bottle of beer at the beer stop, A wide brim hat with full moon badge (we still have some for sale 150 baht) keyring bottle opener and the first 10 registered got an led torch, beer at the circle plus the addition of Dinner on the beach which included
Crab fried rice, morning glory, tom yam gung, fish fried with celery and somtam.
Also we bought beer to go on the tables with the meal.

1st problem was we had to set 2 trails in 2 days, luckily the rain showers were minimal and nothing got washed away, but late night drinking practice does not mix well with setting morning trails, but we had Aunties Bitch is an expert in setting trails and drinking, our award for outstanding hasher must go to Meatloaf who had been here a week and became familiar with every bar in town!

Pre lube monday and our registration had been hampered by rain, but drinking was not abated, sightings of paper around town had the moonies excited, 7/11 run was a bit confusing on what and when and why what we should do.
Easiest instructions where if you pass a 7/11 have a beer! And keep going.
Estimated was maybe 4 or 5 moonies would accept the challenge of 7 beer stops, but with New haircuts in all styles the Harriettes stood up and accepted the challenge, no wokeness here, an old fashioned boys vs girls, in the orange corner we had meatloaf and leading the green shirt corner Drag Queen.

After everyone had tried on their New Green Anniversary shirts and full moon hats.
The pack where sent south along the beach with a few runners leading, flying frog, daniel and cute comer, but the sand is soft, picture opportunities a plenty, straight on to the main road and the market village bridge, the runners ignored the 7 sign and shot past 7/11 missing the arrows pointing over the bridge, chaotic scenes as people tried to get beers, the harriettes soon disappeared with cans and bottles in hand, but penny lames pack of experienced drinkers had a plan, walk slow but drink fast. A formidable group of Hugmannygoat, CIA, meatloaf, ding a ling. & penny lame, thoughts of the movie a bridge too far was this a beer 2 much!

A long trek to soi 94 and another beer, past wonderland and a bit of zig zagging, beer stop 3 and disaster struck. It was a 7/11 outside a school which did not serve beer, never mind the hares had a bonus 7/11 on the on in.quick short cute to stop 4 and 5, soi 88 railway is the hardest to cross in daylight nevermind drunk and in the dark, many fell foul and headed towards home, but the trail went across double railway lines, our back marker Cathusulum has helped thankfully by a couple of railway workers who thought he was on a suicide mission,85 and not out.
Just for a change we changed our beer stop to a well known watering hole on soi 80, Ae’s restaurant where knockout was waiting like an expecting father for his babies to arrive. Luckily nobody was abducted by the ladies of the night. 200m further down was our next 7/11 where we were hijacked by a couple of prop forwards from one of the bars. But they were more of a challenge than a night full of beers.

1 beer stop on the on in and the last 5 stumbled home almost in one piece, to drink more beer before the circle, food had been delayed by 30 minutes, so down downs for visitors etc and some fine hash songs by Drag queen.

With the night still young the hares kept supplying beers to the tables with food piled high, chatter and talk abound, a chorus of Happy birthday and a Delicious cake presented to Penny Lame for 57 years to young by Knockout Neptune who took charge as PL had done well with the 7/11 challenge.

A big Thanks to all that attended on on
Penny Lame